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Home Forums My Robot Coupe is really load.  What part R2NS needs to be replaced?  Gear? Rotor? Motor?

  • guest

    September 18, 2017 at 2:41 pm

    I meant to say it was really LOUD!

  • ectofix

    September 18, 2017 at 4:29 pm

    Bad upper motor bearing.  When you remove & replace (or repair) the motor, also replace the motor seal.


    FWIW:  A new motor is pricey (I’m guessing around $700).


    I’m a tech, so I’ll remove the motor, test and inspect it, then replace both bearings.  Definitely not a simple task if you’ve never done it before.  Tools to do that are a suitable puller set, a hydraulic press, a megger…and some knowledge of what you’re doing.


    Another alternative is to take the motor out (mark the wires so you know where they go) and then seek the services of a motor repair shop.

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