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Home Forums clean button for manitowoc UD0240A always is on and machine didnt operate cleaning but work normaly?

  • fixbear

    March 11, 2018 at 7:17 am

    A UD0240 is a computerized membrane pad operated under counter ice machine.  It does not have a clean/ice switch like previous models,  but operates through the pad.  Unfortunately the pad is minimal due to it being a under-counter.  Therefore there is no screen to see what the machine is doing.  They use lights in the membrane pad instead.  Regardless, here is a copy of the operation manual.  Read section 3 and 4 on the operation.


  • lighteningboy

    March 12, 2018 at 3:55 am

    thanks for your help but i do this but didnt work ,how can i reset the machine

  • fixbear

    March 12, 2018 at 8:59 am

    Is the clean light lit solid or flashing.  What color is it?  Is the service light lit or flashing red?  When was the machine last cleaned?  Requires Manitowic cleaner and sanitizer.  And some disassembly.  Should be done by a licensed refrigeration tech.


    To totally reboot the machine, press the OFF button for 3 seconds..  Wait for the ice to melt off the evaporator.  Disconnect the power to the machine for 10 seconds.  Repower the machine and press the ON button.  It should light blue.


    You should have a UDO240AE, not a UDO240A because you stated in a earlier post that you have 50 cycle power.  Make sure the unit has a good ground.

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