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  • olivero

    October 17, 2017 at 8:42 pm

    Well, I am certainly happy I am not the only one with this problem……. Did it happen with one burner or both? My top one looks totally fine.


    I can weld a stud on it from the side I am looking at it, I would prefer to do it where I drill a hole and just drop it in but it can definetley still be done.


    I find it very interesting that these problems are coming up (referring to all the stuff I’ve had happen already), makes me think somebody missed something in their testing phase. I will have to see what Cleveland says about it as I am not too keen in spending $2-3K on replacing all of these things just “because” There has to be some reason for this other than “tough shit” especially since I was a very good boy for the last 2 years and kept my hands out of the oven and let the certified tech do all the work and now this happens.


    I actually didn’t have THAT list with pictures, that definetley is easier to navigate, thank you.


    I went to take a look at it again after you mentioned the heat exchanger, figured I might as well remove it now and make sure I am not missing anything.



    That’s what the heat exchanger looks like the side that mounts to the inside of the unit.