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  • ectofix

    August 18, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    Oh.  I getcha now.


    Funny you mention the crimp tool, because that’s an oddball tool and probably pretty pricey. 


    Where I work, we have a staff of horticulture folks.  In their many duties, they’re also in charge of XMas lights.  However, as things have changed to LEDs…so have the strings of lights.  I knew they once used Molex connections for that due to the BELTS of connectors hanging in our parts warehouse.  Apparently they don’t use those anymore.


    So, there’s some old machine upstairs that’s like a big, countertop work station for making Molex connections.  I asked the Hort. manager about that and was told we could have it.  I said “I really just need something handheld”.  He took me to his office, reached into a file cabinet drawer and said “There ya go!”

    It’s come in REALLY handy for dealing with our rare Frymaster wiring problems.  So, as infrequent as I use it, I could never justify the price of buying one if I were still in the field.