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  • ectofix

    June 1, 2017 at 8:58 pm

    Here’s some FWIW and maybe some TMI for everyone regarding our present-day combi-ovens.  I was inspired to write this because…well – it so happens that the number of PLATES that the OP’s oven holds has absolutely no meaning to me with regards to the oven’s size or model number.  Anyways, here goes…


    Rational letters in their model numbers (for instance…the CMP) merely serves as a simple description of the oven’s FEATURES.  A CMP (Combi-Master Plus) doesn’t have anywhere near the same features that a SCC (Self-Cooking Center) does. That’s neither here-nor-there, though.


    The NUMBERS in Rational’s model numbers are what’s important regarding the oven’s SIZE.  Specifically, the numbers are based on the quantity and orientation of standard-size HOTEL pans the oven is designed to hold.

    For instance, a CMP61 is a 6×1.  So, it will hold six levels of standard-sized hotel pans x one pan deep.  The rack support is wide enough to put the short (narrower) side of the pan in first.  As such, one pan fits for each level or slot.   It so happens there ARE more than six sets of rails in the rack supports (for half sheet pans and shallow hotel pans), but STANDARD hotel pans is what the size standard is based upon. A CMP62 is a 6×2.  It also holds six levels of standard-sized hotel pans, but at two pans deep (Long [wide] side of pan goes in first.  The oven is wider and the rack supports are spaced so that each level will hold two pans side-by-side per slot (one to the rear and another in front).

    So, the 62 will hold double the amount of hotel pans as the 61.


    Taller than a 61 or 62, another counter-top model is a CMP101 – a 10×1, which holds one hotel pan per each of its ten slots.  Its big brother – a CMP102 – is a 10×2, thus holding two pans per slot.  AGAIN, twice the number of pans. A floor-model CMP201 is 20×1.  You guessed it – one pan per its twenty slots.  A CMP202 (the largest oven) holds 20×2, so two pans per slot.


    FWIW, this way of doing model numbers seems to be an “unofficial” standard amongst most of the other combi-oven manufacturers as well (Alto-Shaam, Covo-therm and others).  Still, there are still deviations outside of this norm – such as Rational’s newest and more compact XS oven.


    I hope this trivial bit of info helps y’all a little.