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Home Forums DW49 beverage-air cooler ..runs freon correct but will not cool DW49 beverage-air cooler ..runs freon correct but will not cool

  • fixbear

    September 27, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    And how do you know that it is right?.  Regardless  all refrigeration works on the same principle.  , A gas with a low boiling point is compressed and cooled to a liquid. It then is metered at a low pressure so that it can absorb heat to flash back to a gas.  Metering can be a expansion valve or a restriction like a cap tube.  However,  you must have air flow over both the evaporator and condenser enough to transfer the heat.  So, we have determined that you need refigerant,  air flow, and a pressure differential.  Which one don’t you have?