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  • ectofix

    March 12, 2020 at 7:58 pm

    THANKS for posting that.

    Within those categories, one must not JUST have some general idea of each, but ESPECIALLY to have an understand the DETAILS of their basics all the way down to atomic theory. Then, once you have THAT stuff, NEVER forget it.

    Moving on to skim through some stuff, there’s:

    Ohm’s Law Boyle’s, Bernoulli’s Charles’, Dalton’s…and many OTHER Laws Facts and formulas Definitions Newer concepts & innovations DETAILED equipment theory of operation And the other stuff I don’t know any better to mention…

    So, a VIRTUALLY a glossary of technical info must be carried around in their BRAINS

    THEN…we find that we must STILL keep on learning as things change. For instance, after my twenty-two years in THIS field…and forty-two of my years having what I think is a well-founded understanding of electricity/electronics, I’m still working to KEEP UP with just THAT!

    Then, as if the aforementioned topics aren’t enough, you must learn OTHER stuff affecting our endeavors or overlapped with OTHER trades:

    Local codes Federal standards such as the NEC, NEMA, NSF, NFPA Mechanical knowledge HACCP and other HEALTH codes Tools/techniques and how they’re used/what they’re used for SAFETY And (for ME), welding

    It just goes ON and ON and ON.

    That’s what’s fascinating about our trade in servicing commercial food equipment. There’s NO one school for it all. Your employer (or YOU) must seek out that additional stuff so YOU can become a better technician. THEN…just when you think you got it down, something ELSE challenges you with something NEW.

    While we certainly have these challenges in our restaurant repair trade, the TRUE HVAC/R side of it all is the TRUE-er challenge. THOSE folks in HVAC/R must become field ENGINEERS on-the-fly to be the best at their game.

    Sadly, many techs DON’T seek out what they don’t know. That’s the imminent FACT of it all. YOU…don’t know what you don’t know.