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Home Forums Thermostat bulb stuck in heater element in Roundup VCT-25 bun toaster

  • ectofix

    July 24, 2017 at 7:56 pm

    I’ve worked on many VCTs, but not ones with a basic KX-style (mechanical) thermostat which that model has.


    FWIW:  Here’s the manual:


    I’ve only experienced such a problem on certain tilt skillets.  Heating them (with its designed heat source) never helped.  Additionally, tilt skillets are made of steel.


    These are merely my suggestions.  I haven’t had to do this in Antunes’ toasters.  I “think” the platen is made of aluminum.  Therefore it’s an especially soft metal, so you want to do this carefully.


    If all your efforts in pulling it out results in the capillary snapping off, then you’ll need to drill it out.  I suggest starting with a drill bit slightly smaller than the tstat’s bulb.  Use a pin punch to somewhat gently flatten the remnants of the old tstat bulb within the hole.  Maybe follow up with a center punch.  You want the drill bit to be able to find center on it, then go to drilling it.  You want to avoid damaging the platen.


    If you get lucky, the bit will eventually get a bite on it and allow you to pull it out.  If not, then go up one or so bit size.  Drill only to a depth necessary for your best “guess-timate” needed for the new tstat bulb’s length.

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