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Home Forums market forged model dffg  how nany millivolts should the thermo pile produce?

  • fixbear

    June 30, 2017 at 10:29 am

    Thermopiles are normally 750 MV

  • ectofix

    June 30, 2017 at 1:05 pm

    As fixbear stated,  most thermopiles are rated for 750mV peak output.  However, that’s with no load.


    In your fryer, there are TWO loads the thermopile supplies power to.  The pilot valve and the main valve.  The voltage output of a thermopile (as read with a DC voltmeter) will abruptly DROP as load is added.  That’s normal.


    SO…with just the pilot remaining lit, it’s not unusual to read about 600mV…more or less.  There’s nothing wrong with reading that.

    When the main burner is added to the load, thermopile voltage will immediately drop to a 250-300mV reading…more or less.


    Here’s some IFs:

    If both loads are applied, you certainly shouldn’t be reading anything below…say – 220mV.  If it is, then the pilot flame may be weak.  Furthermore, during sustained operation, you should not see any gradual drop in voltage.  If you see that, then the voltage may eventually drop to the point of lock-out.

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