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Home Forums how long does it take to rebuild a waste king model -2000-3

  • ectofix

    May 15, 2018 at 5:17 pm

    Five hours and thirty-seven minutes…plus or minus a few hours.


    That’s me being facetious.  Your question is relative, so it can’t be answered as you’d like it to be. 


    As a field tech, I (and my company) quit rebuilding garbage disposals because…well – we charged by the hour.  There was no standard rate.  As such, there were too many times when our final cost to a customer was too costly to justify doing it AGAIN – when all we would warranty AFTER the repair was the industry standard 30 days labor/90 days parts.  Oftentimes the price pushed 75% of the cost of a new unit.


    If you decide to do this, then understand that it is NOT easy.  The biggest challenge is removing the stationary shredder (Waste King calls the “grind ring”).  It’s pressed in.  Sometimes – rust and crud assured its place in there TOO well.  SO, there’s no telling how difficult it might be to remove. 

    I’ve popped a few of those out in a matter of minutes…and then had some which took me HOURS of frustration…and MANY applications of heat from a torch to remove.


    I’ve never worked on a Waste King.  However, for all the others I repaired (In-Sink-Erator, Salvajor, Red Goat and others), the stationary shredder must come out in order to remove the rotating shredder (Waste King calls the “turntable assembly”).


    Here’s you a parts manual: 

  • fixbear

    May 15, 2018 at 6:01 pm

    I have to agree with ectofix. on this one.   It’s not the seal that’s the problem,  but the unknowns that you will run into after removal and dissassembly.  Like corrosion in the housing where the seal has to seat,  or damaged and worn out blades,  or disturtion to the grinder ring from corrosion and removal.  And lets not forget that at some point the motor bearings got a bit of moisture and are rough.  Unless its more than 2 HP and stainless, buy a new one.

  • guest

    May 24, 2018 at 5:29 am

    I’ve done a couple of different units, myself. Once I got one apart and found it was too far gone to repair. This was after a two hour tear down. That included trouble removing it from the location, just to work on it.

    My company finally took the stance that if it was not under warranty, we would not do the job. That being said, there were always exceptions. As stated above, it may be less expensive to replace it in the long run.

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