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Home Forums Archives i have a frymaster model FMH350CSD and as we are using it, It make a very loud popping sound like if the pilot blows up! when that happends it makes the oil bubble up so then we turn it off because its a bit scary not knowing what it is

  • i have a frymaster model FMH350CSD and as we are using it, It make a very loud popping sound like if the pilot blows up! when that happends it makes the oil bubble up so then we turn it off because its a bit scary not knowing what it is

    Posted by guest on April 27, 2017 at 12:00 am


    ectofix replied 7 years ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • fixbear

    April 28, 2017 at 5:55 am

    Not seeing it or hearing it, it’s kind of hard to determine what your “popping” is.  However the bubbling is simple.  You have moisture in the fryer. Were it came from is something only someone in your environment would know. If it is right after cleaning, the fryer never got fully drained.  If between cleanings,  someone spilled something, or perhaps a ice cube toss?


    You can either bring the machine to 220F to cook off the water, or re clean the machine. if uncertain of the contaminate.

  • ectofix

    April 28, 2017 at 7:10 am

    Yours is the typical description for “delayed ignition” in Frymaster’s High-Efficiency gas fryers.  Although most often described as “popping”, in extreme cases – “booming” would be more accurate.  Yes, the popping can be quite alarming and usually makes the oil in the fryer jump, so that might be what you’d described as bubbling.


    There’s nothing you as an operator can do for it except call a service company.  That problem can be caused by any one of a fairly long list of issues within the fryer.  The worst issue could potentially be cracked infrared burners.  Since yours is a three bank set of fryers, you should at least try to narrow down which fryer is actually doing it.  That way, when a technician from the service company shows up, you can point and say “THAT one”.


    To identify a company that can look at it, go to this link for Frymaster’s Authorized Service Agency Locator and type in your zip code.

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