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Home Forums i order r02.04.651.00 for a booster c39 hatco but it should of been 386volts and it says on   it 220v???

  • ectofix

    December 19, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    You have 346v as a supply voltage?  Where in the world are you?


    MOST Hatco boosters are wired in a “delta” configuration (symbol is Δ).  In that configuration – YES, the elements would need to be rated to match incoming source voltage (±10%)


    However, my guess is that, due to your unconventional source voltage (compared to what I’ve seen), YOURS is set up so the elements in YOUR booster are wired in a three phase “Y” configuration…with no neutral.  In such a setup, any two elements (or parallel pairs of elements) will basically be connected in series while at peak potential between the two lines supplying that set.  Of course, a third line input through ANOTHER element (or element pairs) will also play a part as the AC source voltage cycles in their direction.

    In such a configuration (Y), one side of the elements will be jumpered together, while the other side of the elements receive power from the contactor.  Therefore, the elements need to only be rated at roughly 60-70% (off the top of my head) of the incoming source voltage.


    As a technician, I could quickly determine your setup simply by looking at it.  I’m not there and I don’t have access to a schematic while sitting here at home in my armchair, so I don’t have an answer to that question.


    If you’re confused by what I’ve just explained, , then get the services of a licensed electrician to take a look at it and the unit’s schematic to determine your configuration.  I DO strongly urge you to NOT install those elements and apply power to the unit without being confident that they are the correct ones.

  • fixbear

    December 20, 2017 at 4:44 am

    You must be in Canada on a 600 volt system.  The elements you want are

    they are

    Hatco R02.04.654.00 KIT,ELE,6500W,346V,15″
  • ectofix

    December 21, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    I’m obviously not familiar with Canadian power.  However, Hatco’s parts manual lists units specified to operate from either 380v or 600v.



    If her unit is specified to operate on 380v, then the 220v elements she received are the correct ones.


    If her unit is specified to operate on 600v, then the 346v elements are the correct ones.


    AND…obviously those units must be Y configured.


    brigitte kelly didn’t provide us with the unit’s specification plate voltage rating, nor the actual incoming voltage.  BOTH would’ve been helpful in order to accurately answer the question.

  • fixbear

    December 21, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    380  is in rare areas of Europe.Quebec and Ontario have a lot of commercial 600 volt systems.   I’ve had to install tranformers for a lot of equipment here that was originally built for Canada to bump  up from both 208 and 480 to 600.

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