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Home Forums The Cold Side Commercial Grade Kegerator Error Code?


  • gosser

    September 29, 2020 at 5:20 pm

    Thanks dude. That was a fun 3 months of work on my part. Learned as I built!

    I also ran a multimeter on my thermistor in the main area of the box and got no reading on it. I think it is bad so I’ve ordered a replacement from amazon which should be here tomorrow. Will cut the old plug off the bad one and solder it on the new one tomorrow and see if that does the trick.

  • fixbear

    September 30, 2020 at 4:29 am

    You should know that with a RTC thermocouple, there values can be different for each design use. They can be rated as 100 ohm to over 100,000 Ohm. They are also specific for the working environment they are in. Highly have to recommend OEM to avoid a offset. There should be a wiring diagram attached to the cooler. Often they have the thermistor value on them.

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