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  • 1 decent thing @ this trade is there's usually a lot of duplication in any single kitchen.

    Those 1300's (in my exp) r usually at least stacked & many times will have multiple stacks offering the opportunity of swapping parts from 1 oven 2 the next in an effort 2 at least isolate which branch of which circuit is giving u a hard time if not indicating the exact part which is intermittently acting up based on whether the problem ‘travels' or not.

    Often times just swapping parts around will either indicate which component is compromised immediately as it may b so close 2 broke that it crumbles apart in u hands – or the swapping action ‘fixes' the unit because u inadvertently cleaned/tightened a poor electrical connection or knocked some dust/grease out of a critical area…..

    This way ‘something' is can b accomplished without adequate truck stock, the customer gets 2 avoid buying excess parts by accident, u get the chance 2 PM the entire ignition system at the very least of not only the unit that is breaking but another 2 boot hopefully delaying future service calls. It makes it look like u care deeply & wanna do everything u can 2 help that customer out & allows u 2 look at both units at once increasing the chance of parts sales by uncovering worn parts that haven't made themselves yet known 2 the customer.

    One time 1 of those ovens had a couple of us flummoxed because we were only there when the unit was cool & didn't wanna wait @ long enuf 2 c that the air cooling vents on the convection motor were plugged causing the motor 2 eventually overheat, shut down, open the air switch….