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Home Forums Archives This site is silly!  Sorry to be rude but, this looks like you grabbed a few techs, told them to bring in their tech training manuals or merely their best expertise, then told them to MAKE UP QUESTIONS for what they know. THEN…the tech sitting in the ch

  • This site is silly!  Sorry to be rude but, this looks like you grabbed a few techs, told them to bring in their tech training manuals or merely their best expertise, then told them to MAKE UP QUESTIONS for what they know. THEN…the tech sitting in the ch

    Posted by guest on April 28, 2015 at 12:00 am

    This site is silly!  Sorry to be rude but, this looks like you grabbed a few techs, told them to bring in their tech training manuals or merely their best expertise, then told them to MAKE UP QUESTIONS for what they know. THEN…the tech sitting in the chair at the same table answered that conjured up question with an expert answer….with some collaboration, of course.  The ASK.COM version of what we do. Kinda hilarious!   If you can get some real participation in a true FORUM-like setting with some real questions, then I might return.  LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU DO and I’ll be back to contribute!

    ectofix replied 9 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • moshea

    April 29, 2015 at 8:33 am

    EC toFix – Really appreciate the feedback. The goal of TechTOWN is to create an online forum where technicians can ask and answer each other’s questions. We are in the very early stages of doing that, and would love you to help achieve that goal by asking your own tough questions. Many knowledgeable members of the technician community have already registered and would be glad to respond, and getting these answers online saves time for the next tech who has the same issue.

  • techjoeb

    April 29, 2015 at 9:34 am

    Ectofix- if you have any questions that need answering then we would greatly appreciate the challenge. I’m glad you took the time to register to leave a comment. Now just take the next step and challenge the subject matter experts. Have a great day!

  • ectofix

    April 29, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Well I suppose I went overboard on my rant.  I understand the fact that you want to get this place going with questions in order for you to solicit more participation and become the go-to place for our trade.  We in food equipment, do INDEED, lack a dedicated forum on the internet.  I’d JUST said to a fellow tradesman this past week that Parts Town could do good with filling that void.  I didn’t know it was ALREADY done.  With FESCO being acquired though, it looks like that was part of the evolution.


    My being involved in other forums (one including a small space for this trade), I was taken aback by how GENERIC and seemingly PRECONCEIVED many of your questions are.  I’m just accustomed to a more natural flow of it all.  So, a new guy in the trade walks in and wants to tap into the knowledge from the old salty ones.  ANSWERS abound from various perspectives.  No moderator (or whoever) is sitting at a monitor and pressing a button to DEEM Tech-Such-&-Such response as being the correct answer.


    I’m more than willing to help others out, but as food equipment techs…GUYS, learn to use all of your resources.  Tech support lines, on-line manuals, a cell phone call to your other techs in the field.


    Obviously I’ll be checking in on this forum.  I haven’t figured out the overall hierarchy or how things are done.  However, you have my curiosity peeked.

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