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  • Scotsman CU0415

    Posted by will01 on August 27, 2024 at 8:57 am

    I have a Scotsman CU0415 ice maker that is having trouble. The machine makes ice on a normal cycle but the ice does not drop until after the next freeze cycle starts resulting in hollow cubes. I have tried adjusting the harvest time and ice bridge but it has not made the ice drop any faster. Hot gas valve was replaced due to not working and machine was cleaned and sanitized after. I have harvest time set as long as possible and ice bridge at 3 lights on continous. Any help would be appreciated.

    fixbear replied 6 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • fixbear

    August 27, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    I have no knowledge of the environment this machine is in nor the water filtration used. But with all Ice machines, one should start with a cleaning. With Scotsman cleaner. Often there is a mineral build up on the molds that you can not see unless it is dried. This extends the harvest by causing friction so the ice doesn’t drop. It is normal for the cube to have a 1/3 indent on that machine. You do not want a flush cube top. If you used a off brand cleaner, you may have etched the evaporator.

    Check the spray plate for gaps that don’t belong between the spray nozzles. Being you replaced the hot gas solenoid, check that the suction thermistor is still bonded to the line correctly. And that the thermistor has the correct value.

    Look for the water valve to be open during harvest. If not, you may need to replace the control board. It’s all in the service manual that you can find here; SC-CU0415_sm.pdf (

  • will01

    August 28, 2024 at 8:02 am

    I did another cleaning and extended the cleaning time to 30 minutes of running the solution. I checked thermister was clamped to tube well. Indent in cubes is 75% or more on most cubes. They do release as 1 unit. Water valve is open and refills reservoir during harvest cycle. I attached some pictures of the evaporator, they are not very good but hopefully help.

    sc sc2
  • fixbear

    August 28, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    The evaporator plate shows damage. Note the copper color and streaks. At some time in the past it had a harsh solution run thru it instead of Scotsman. There are many acids that can remove scale, but only Phosphoric is safe. But expensive. Took the polished nickel off the chambers.

    The machine sounds like it is running in back-up. That would indicate a thermistor out of spec or refrigerant system problem.

    One other possibility may be low refrigerant charge. But before invasive action, Measure the compressor discharge temp at the top of the condenser with a clamp on thermistor. Should be about 15 degrees above ambient during load. Lower it may need charging, higher the condenser air flow is inadequate. Also measure current to the compressor to match load specs.. Ice machines have to be accurately weighed charges to work correctly. You changed the hot gas valve, so you would have had to change the dryer and vacate the machine to less than 700 microns. If these steps were short-cutted, you may have incondensable in the system.

  • fixbear

    August 28, 2024 at 1:37 pm

    BTW, I would dry and take a “Q-Tip with alcohol and rub the back of the plate to see if it is a foreign build up your picture shows or corrosion from cleaner.

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